Sunday, April 28, 2013

Those who believe in pure love, pause at Tokyo's busy Shibuya station to pay tribute to the statue of Hachiko, an Akita dog.

Hachiko was a pup when professor Eisaburo Ueno took him home in 1924. An inseparable bond developed between them. Each day Hachiko would accompany the professor to the station to see him off to work. In the evening when the professor would return, he would find Hachiko waiting expectantly for him!

This routine continued for a year, until one evening when Hachiko watched the train pass by and wondered why his friend did not return. The professor had suffered a stroke and died at work. But Hachiko refused to leave the station and continued to wait at the same spot for 10 long years. Tearful commuters would pat Hachiko and marvel at his devotion.

Finally, when Hachiko died in 1935 at the same station, he did so in love and not in fear and perhaps reincarnated into a higher species.

When perfect love casts out fear, a transfer to a new and more enlightened sphere of existence takes place. Evolution itself is dependent on the love and the endless longing for love is also an inherent desire for the soul to evolve.

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