Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Don’t worry. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you have given your best to whatever you are doing, son. Only mankind is interested in results. Nature only wants to know your intentions. A dog just wags its tail happily. It is not bothered about whether its tail has wagged with finesses or whether it looks funny. It only knows how to love its master. It gives its best. It may make a mess of things regularly but then you don’t mind. Why? Because you know the dog’s heart is in the right place. It is giving its best to you. The same way Nature and God don’t judge you by your performance or your results. They just want to know whether your intentions are proper, your heart is in the right place and that you are giving your best to whatever you are doing. Every thing else is just pure statistics... it was ‘why you did-what you did’, that was more important than, ‘what came about what you did’ that really mattered to the heaven’s above. That the Angels heard the purity in the prayer rather than the prayer itself or the fancy words mouthed.. - Ruzbeh Bharucha.

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