Sunday, June 23, 2019

Seven Signs of Progress in Meditation (from an article by Paramahansa Yogananda)
  • An increasing peacefulness during meditation.
  • A conscious inner experience of calmness in meditation metamorphosing into increasing bliss.
  • A deepening of one's understanding and finding answers to one's questions through the calm intuitive stare of inner perception.
  • An increasing mental and physical efficiency in one's daily life.
  • Love for meditation and desire to hold on to the peace and joy of meditative state in preference to attraction to anything in the world.
  • An expanding consciousness of loving all with unconditional love that one feels towards his own dearest loved ones.
  • Actual contact with God and worshiping Him as ever new bliss felt in meditation and in His omnipresent manifestations within and beyond all creation. 

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