Thursday, February 14, 2013

Spirituality is the essence of life. All of us are endowed with that untapped goldmine we call spirituality. It is our being that determines our thinking and personality even as very few among us are aware of that deep fountain of ambrosia within us that constantly guides us. Most of us however, rarely heed to it or respond to it. Tap that source and you are well on a growth trajectory - personal, financial, emotional, and spiritual.

Spirituality and your career are intricately intertwined. However, most of us might fail to go along the spiritually guided career. Some of us realize mid-way that we are ordained for a different career and make career change. Others are not as fortunate. There are some spiritually conscious among us who made the right career choice since their beginning.

There are few things that all of us might have noticed in personal life that go on to show the manner in which your guardian angel constantly prepares you for career and career change.

You might have noticed that you constantly aspired for a job that didn't come easily even as you and the others thought you were highly competent there. However, the offers came pouring in sectors you thought you were not competent enough. And in this very sector you excelled without much effort. 
You hated the job that you thought was forced upon you but came to love it ultimately. You loved the job that you always aspired for but came to hate it ultimately.

These are no accidents as there are no accidents in the universe. These were guiding steps designed by your guardian spirits for your learning and experience no actual university can give you. As your psychic ability develops you might know it rather easily.

There might have been difficult moments when you needed a job badly but didn't get any. You thought the world was a cruel place ruled by a cruel God. Much later, when you were in some profession you realized on reflecting back, how well everything fell into place. You might have considered even fortunate for not having landed with the job that you needed so badly when you were going through a tough phase.

The story of Swami Vivekananda, the great religious leader from India who made a deep impact at the Parliament of Religions, Chicago in 1893 can be quite illustrative here. Swami Vivekananda was known as Naren before taking to monk-hood. His father died when he was in Presidency College, Calcutta. He was the eldest son in the family that was suddenly burdened with grave responsibilities. His father hadn't left any money for the family. He wandered with his bio-data from one office to the next in the hope of finding a job, but he got none. This was despite the fact that he had graduated with excellent scores and even his professors were awed by his academic excellence.

His spiritual master Ramkrishna. Paramhamsa had foretold that Naren would be a great spiritual master who was not meant for any ordinary job.

Isn't it quite reasonable to assume that the job we look after in vain is not meant for us? On the contrary, we are meant for something else or a different job. Rather than stressing our nerves in a futile attempt at finding a job, it would be more reasonable to let it slip and go by as smoothly as we pass stations without stopping in our journey.

It would be more reasonable to delve deep into our inner consciousness to discover what might rightfully belong to us. It is then that we feel more at peace and more in command of our true being. Some of us are endowed with that psychic ability while most of us learn it gradually. You can use your inherent psychic ability to enhance your self spiritually. It might then be possible for you to know the right job for you or whether you need a job change.

There are, however, some signs that might tell you whether or not you are moving in the right direction in your search after a job or career.

Think and visualize a job. If you feel an inner joy and satisfaction that job is probably meant for you. Visualize the job in terms of activities involved. Do you see yourself cheerful? Do you see yourself energetic and vibrant? If yes, the job is meant for you.

Do you remember your friends, family and even strangers telling, "You will make an excellent..." (Social worker, nurse, teacher, counselor, etc.). Nature is sending you messages. Sit quietly in a room or somewhere no one can disturb. Close your eyes. Let the images of different jobs pass through your mind. Notice them closely. Which among the images was the most vivid and clear? That is probably the job you are meant for.

Do you keep your dream diary? If not, you would do well to keep one. For a month from today start writing your dreams as much as you can remember on waking up. After a month or so, read and analyze whatever you have written. You can maintain your dream diary for even a long period or for as long a time as you want. Reading the content at a periodic interval might give you some sign or some hint at what you have been aspiring for. Your guardian angel might have put those hints and signs for you to decipher.

Since your career is an extension of your personality, being and spirituality, career change will probably come easily with the spiritual exercises should you feel your present career is not for you. A little contemplation and imagination will add to your psychic abilities to reckon the desirable direction of career or career change.

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