Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Once upon a time, sages Vishwamitra and Vasishtha debated the relative merits of tapasya and satsang. Vasishtha asserted that satsang was a spiritually powerful path. Vishwamitra insisted that tapasya was supreme. Vishwamitra, burst into Vasishtha's satsang and demanded that they ask Ananta Sesh Naga to resolve this difference of opinion. After much persuasion, Vasishtha agreed to humor Vishwamitra.

Ananta Sesha said, "I am carrying the burden of the entire universe on my head all the time. This gives me a terrible headache. Lend me the powers that each of you has acquired through tapasya and satsang. I will try each in turn and decide which is more effective for my headache."

In the yoga Vasishtha , sadhu-sanga or satsang is affirmed as one of the four gatekeepers of moksha. The others are self-restraint, contentment and self-awareness. Befriending even one of these gatekeepers is sufficient to enter Godhood.

The Shrimad Bhagvata Purana describes how the orphan Narada grows up in the company of saints. Merely through association, he is blessed with a direct vision of God. As Narada Muni, he then travels the universe glorifying The Lord and sharing the benefits of his satsang.

In a satsang one remains rapt and absorbed in the presence of God. The enlightened ones see the lord everywhere, in every rock and in every heart. They dwell in eternal satsang. Just as a sandalwood tree spreads its fragrance to all other trees around it, enlightened saints spread their spiritual fragrance to all those who gather around them. Over time, more and more people gather around these venerated saints.

The satsangis in turn, lovingly pull into their charmed circle other spiritual seekers from among their near and dear ones. Thus does the love of the divine spread through the universe. For, one does not spray spirituality with water cannons upon the multitude, but one gently pours the love of God from one human heart to another and so, it permeates the universe.

To draw a seeker into the satsang circle, his false ego is used as the bait. Before you break a coconut on the ground, you need to lift it high into the air. Similarly, false ego is inflated by other satsang is as a preamble to its annihilation.

First, Vishwamitra gave Ananta Aesha all the spiritual powers he had acquired through a lifetime of tapasya. Ananta Sesha's headache remained unchanged. Then Vasishtha transferred the spiritual powers he had acquired to Ananta Aesha. Suddenly, the weight of the universe seemed to lift from Ananta's head. 

He smiled and said, "My headache is gone. The spiritual power of a satsang is more supreme. When people gather in a satsang, the collective weight of their mental burdens vanish. They transcend their minds and move onto a spiritual plane attaining yoga with the divine."

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