Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Take this jar full of water. Look into it. Water occupies all the space within the jar, therefore the space in the jar is contained in the water. Now, look at the surface of the water, the reflection of the moon and the stars. That outer space is also contained in the water. The water in the jar and space in the sky are both contained in the space limited by the jar. It is only a play of illusion. In the same way, oneself is in the body and in everything. This is a darshan, direct knowledge as oneself (atman). The space delimited by the jar is hidden by the water which it contains and by the sky which it reflects, in just the same way as the unchanging reality is hidden by vitality. Brahman alone is pure consciousness. In truth, there is no jar, and no jar-space, no embodied soul, nor nature.

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