Saturday, July 28, 2012

"The wise mourn neither for the dead nor for the living. I, you and the assembled kings have lived and will live at all times. Jivatman, the dweller in this body passes through childhood, youth and old age; then with the same ease into another body through the door of death, hence the wise are not deceived by the phenomenon of death."

"Arjuna! Bear heat, cold, pleasure and pain as they are ephemeral, being dependent on the senses. This serene existence will lead to immortality."

"The wise know that if truth is non-existent, it cannot be created; if it is existent, it can never cease to be. It is changeless and pervades the universe."

" Bodies die, but the truth, which possesses the body is eternal and indestructible. This is the Atman. It is without a beginning, an end; unchanging forever. How can it slay or be slain? Don't dream that you kill the Atman. It only sheds bodies like worn-out garments and dons new ones. It is not wounded by weapons, burned by fire, dried by wind, wetted by water. On the other hand, it is the being of being, changeless, eternal, as it is beyond the senses and the mind, it is not subject to modification."

"All that is born must die. Rebirth is certain for the dead. Hence, do not grieve."

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