Sunday, June 23, 2024

You will find, by continued practice of meditation, that you will gain perceptions of an ever-new, ever-increasing joy, a joy that is not just an abstract mental state of short-lived mortal pleasure, but the God-joy of meditation that will receive and respond to your prayers. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
For example, yoga enables one to solve all problems by soul guidance, the wisdom born of Self-realization. So long as problems occupy the mind, there is little opportunity for mental and spiritual freedom, for these cannot coexist with mental turmoil. The mind should be cleared of confusing moods, worries, and fears so that in the sky of mental calmness the liberated bird of paradise, the soul, can soar and spread its wings over one’s whole existence. By gradually easing the perplexities and difficulties that burden one’s life from within and without, yoga paves the way to freedom. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Yoga is primarily a science of meditation: concentration on God and absorption of one’s consciousness in Him. But as a natural prerequisite to the ability to meditate uninterruptedly on God, yoga also inculcates discipline and proper direction to spiritualize every aspect of human nature and daily life. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Uniting the soul with Spirit is Yoga - reunion with that great Happiness everyone is seeking... Isn’t this a wonderful definition? In the ever new Bliss of Spirit you are convinced that the joy you feel is greater than any other happiness, and nothing can get you down. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Had India no other gift for the world, Kriya Yoga alone would suffice as a kingly offering. - Paramahansa Yogananda.


























The more you live in someone’s shadow, the longer it takes to cast your own. - Anonymous.