Monday, September 20, 2021

When you are in direct contact with the Creator of this universe, you are in direct contact with all wisdom and understanding. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
The world will go on like this in its ups and downs. Where shall we look for a sense of direction? Not to the prejudices roused within us by our habits and the environmental influences of our families, our country, or the world; but to the guiding voice of Truth within. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. - Dalai Lama.
Today you could be talking to someone who is trying their best not to fall apart. So whatever you do today, do it with kindness in your heart. - Anonymous.
Guru's grace is not designed to fulfill your plans but life's plan for you. - Sadhguru.

Monday, September 06, 2021

With life as short as half taken breath, don't plant anything but love. - Rumi.
If you think you are superior, because you are awakened, you are still asleep. - Anonymous.
A human being is a highly sophisticated mechanism. If you are in proper tune, you are capable of perceiving the whole cosmos within oneself. - Sadhguru.
Teaching should not be a profession - it must be a passion. Only then can education move from imposition of facts to exploration of truth. - Sadhguru.
Meditation is not about going somewhere - it is falling back into yourself. - Sadhguru.
If you realize your life is 100 percent your responsibility, there is no room for being resentful towards anyone. - Sadhguru.