Friday, September 18, 2020

Sanskrit words for Teacher based on their unique abilities:
  • The Teacher who gives you information is called Adhyapak
  • The one who imparts knowledge combined with information is called Upadhyaya
  • The one who imparts skills is called Acharya
  • The one who is able to give a deep insight into a subject is called a Pandit
  • The one who has a visionary view on a subject and teaches you to think in that manner is called Dhrishta
  • The one who is able to awaken the wisdom in you, leading you from darkness to light is called Guru
Sanskrit is perhaps the only language that has such a refined vocabulary to distinguish the different kinds of Teachers.
A Teacher takes responsibility for your growth.
A Guru makes you responsible for your growth.

A Teacher gives you things you do not have and require.
A Guru takes away things you have and do not require.

A Teacher answers your questions.
A Guru questions your answers.

A Teacher requires obedience and discipline from a pupil.
A Guru requires trust and humility from the pupil.

A Teacher clothes you and prepares you for the outer journey.
A Guru strips you naked and prepares you for the inner journey.

A Teacher is a guide on the path.
A Guru is a pointer to the way.

A Teacher sends you on the road to success.
A Guru sends you on the road to freedom.

A Teacher explains the world and its nature to you.
A Guru explains yourself and your nature.

A Teacher gives you knowledge and boosts your ego.
A Guru takes away your knowledge and punctures your ego.

A Teacher instructs you.
A Guru constructs you.

A Teacher sharpens your mind.
A Guru opens your mind.

A Teacher reaches your mind.
A Guru touches your spirit.

A Teacher is a systematic thinker.
A Guru is a lateral thinker.

One can always find a Teacher.
But a Guru has to find and accept you.

A Teacher leads you by hand.
A Guru leads you by example.

When a Teacher finishes with you, you celebrate.
When a Guru finishes with you, life celebrates.
One must be a saint and a hero to be a good teacher. One must be a great yogi to be a good teacher. One must have a perfect attitude to be able to exact a perfect attitude from the students. You cannot ask anyone to do what you don't do yourself. That is a rule. - The Mother.
Don't go searching for a Guru. When the pain of ignorance within you becomes a scream, a Guru will come in search of you. - Sadhguru.
If you are in a state of reaction, anyone or anything can take charge of your life. Conscious response is the way forward. - Sadhguru.
Desire and fear are obscuring and distorting factors. When the mind is free of them the unconscious becomes accessible. - Nisargadatta Maharaj.
One who enjoys his own self in himself without depending on what others say or what happens in the outside world, such a person is called a man of steady wisdom. - Sri M.
If you are willing to strive, there is a way to go beyond all the limitations that are considered human. - Sadhguru.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Disciple: How to deal with people?

Nisargadatta Maharaj: Why make plans and what for? Such questions show anxiety. Relationship is a living thing. Be at peace with your inner Self and you will be at peace with everybody.

Friday, September 04, 2020

Horoscopes have no importance for those who take up yoga, because the influence that works through yoga is much more powerful than the influence of the stars. - The Mother.
If you are willing to strive, there is a way to go beyond all the limitations that are considered human. - Sadhguru.