Friday, July 31, 2020

All difficulties are solved by taking rest in the Divine arms, for these arms are always opened with love to shelter us. - The Mother.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Turn towards the Divine, all your suffering will disappear. - The Mother.
Although I am a typical loner in my daily life, my awareness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has prevented me from feelings of isolation. - Albert Einstien.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Without the Divine life is a painful illusion, with the Divine all is bliss. - The Mother.
Who am I? Not the body, because it is decaying; not the mind, because the brain will decay with the body; not the personality, nor the emotions, for these, also will vanish with death. - Ramana Maharishi.
Yoga works miraculously. The only thing is, you have to do it. - Sadhguru.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Talk as little as possible. Work as much as you can. - The Mother.
The greater the outward show, the greater the inward poverty. - J. Krishnamurti.

Monday, July 27, 2020

If you do not wish to say something which is true, instead of lying just keep silent. - The Mother.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The mind, the life, and the body must become and live what the soul knows and is. - The Mother.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

The path is long, but self-surrender makes it short, the way is difficult but perfect trust makes it easy. The Mother.

Friday, July 24, 2020

A hero fears nothing, complaints of nothing, and never gives way. - The Mother.
If you go the way of your thoughts you will be carried away by them and you will find yourself in an endless maze. - Ramana Maharishi.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Donald Walters, now known as Swami Kriyananda -- who heads Ananda Sangha – shares some of the yogi’s thoughts. Man was given ego-consciousness to inspire him to seek God. That is the only reason for his existence, job, friends, personal interests: these things, by themselves, mean nothing.

A professor from Columbia University came to lunch with the Master in his third-floor interview room at Mount Washington. I served them, and after lunch sat it in the room and took notes while they conversed. At a certain point in their discussion, the professor asked, “Do your teachings help people to be at peace with themselves?” “They do indeed,” the Master answered, “but that is the least they do. We teach people all how to be at peace with their Creator.”

The Columbia professor had a probing mind.

Among many questions, he asked, “How do you distinguish between yourself and your followers?” “All are waves on the same, one ocean,” the Master replied, “composed, as the ocean water is, of the same substance: Spirit. Some of the waves are higher than others. Some waves don’t even want to distance themselves from the ocean. All waves, no matter how high, are in essence one and the same.

The difference between the guru and the disciples, then, lies only in their respective closeness to the ocean: in how conscious each one is of his essential reality. The greater the sense of ego, the taller the wave, and the greater, in consequence, the ignorance. The greater one’s awareness of the ocean as one’s sole reality, the smaller the wave, and also the less his sense of having a separate individuality.”

Professor: “Is there a difference, then, of evolution?”

The Master: “That much is true if we understand evolution to mean a progressive refinement of awareness. The tall waves participate more exuberantly in the play of delusion. The little waves, which are more enlightened, are no longer excited by the play. Enlightened beings enjoy everything, not for itself, but as a ‘play’ of God’s.”

The professor asked: “Is there any end to evolution?”

The Master replied, “No end. You go on until you achieve endlessness.”

“Is man important in the scheme of things?” the professor wants to know.“Man is important in one sense only,” the Master tells him. “He was made in the image of God: That is his importance. He is not important for his body, ego, or personality. His constant affirmation of ego-consciousness is the source of all his problems.”

At another point in the conversation, the Master tells us, “Man was given ego-consciousness to inspire him to seek God. That is the only reason for his existence, job, friends, personal interests: these things, by themselves, mean nothing.”

“What is the difference,” asks the professor, “between science and religion in the search for truth?”

“True religion,” the Master replies, “is not theology. It is born of deep, inner communion with God. True religion teaches us, for example, how to become the atom, whereas theology, at most, only discusses the atom. Science studies the nature of the atom outwardly, proving its existence by experimentation. Inner religion, however, goes beyond experimentation to actual experience. It helps one to cognize, by direct experience, his oneness with the atom at its vital center.”

The professor, poses another question: “Which came first: the tree or the seed?”

“The tree came first,” the Master answers without hesitation, “as the idea of a deed precedes the deed itself. The tree was, in this way, a special creation. God, when He set the process in motion, gave the tree seeds that it might produce other trees like itself. “Everything, at first,” he added, “is an idea, a special creation.”

He adds: “People spend too much time fussing over their persons and possessions. What a waste it is, to devote so much energy to polishing, polishing, polishing this little body, home, and belongings – all of which, so very soon, must be abandoned forever!”

On the importance of a guru, the Master says: “If you go to a doctor and get a prescription from him, but after your return home, you tear it up and toss it away, how do you expect to get well? The guru is a spiritual ‘doctor’. It isn’t sufficient merely to have a guru: You must do what he tells you. 

If you follow his prescription even a little bit, your life will be transformed. Everyone who practices what he learns here will pass through the portals of death into the radiant kingdom of light. Don’t expect to get there, however, if you merely depend passively on the guru – like a suppositious patient whom one may imagine framing his prescription and hanging it on a wall—as if expecting the writing itself to make him well! And don’t think to get there by merely ‘hanging on’ grimly to the end! Go on with steadfast faith, devotion, and joy. Long before you reach your divine goal, you will have realized how sweet life can be when it is lived rightly. You will be glowing with inner radiance, vitality, and happiness!”

The Master categorically states: “If you practice even a hundredth part of what I teach you, you will reach God.”
The highest form of Grace is silence. It is also the highest spiritual instruction. - Sri Ramana Maharishi.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Weak though my effort was, by Thy grace, I gained the Self, oh Arunachala. - Ramana Maharishi.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

We suffer more in imagination than in reality. - Seneca.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Sincere devotion is much more effective than Ganges water. - The Mother.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Gratitude is not an attitude. Gratitude is something that flows out of you when you are overwhelmed by the recognition of what you have received. - Sadhguru.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Give yourself entirely to the Divine and you will see the end of all your troubles. - The Mother.

Friday, July 17, 2020

The Mother is always ready to welcome the child, whatever fault the child may have committed. - The Mother.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Leave all care to the Divine's Grace, including your progress, and you will be in peace. - The Mother.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Perception can sometimes stain reality. That is why I don't tell everything about my past. - Zoo, Netflix TV Show.
It is hard to practice ignorance. - Anonymous.
Why is self-introspection important for devotees? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us and guides us today.

Humanness is a combination of the body and consciousness. One has to embark on self-scrutiny as the first step in spirituality. Only then the reality can be comprehended. No one undertakes self-examination, though everyone is ready to condemn others. Only the person who is prepared to examine and punish himself for his lapses is competent to judge others. Students and devotees should realize that control of the senses is quite simple. What is necessary is not to encourage negative feelings when they arise and adopt positive attitudes. For instance, Buddha confronted the anger of a demon with his love and transformed him. Many students today are subject to depression and are confused in mind. The reason for this is their weakness owing to a lack of self-confidence. When there is total faith in God, then there will be no room for depression.
Disciple: Why is there so much suffering in love?

Nisargadatta Maharaj: All suffering is born out of desire. True love is never frustrated. How can the sense of unity be frustrated? What can be frustrated is the desire for expression. Such a desire is of the mind. As with all things mental, frustration is inevitable.
Human beings need entertainment to hide their madness. If they were perfectly sane, they could just sit and watch the Flower blossom. - Sadhguru.
People are softened by the forced reflection that comes with loss. - Anonymous.
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. - Friedrich Nietzsche.
Do not worry about who loves you. Concentrate on the people you love. - Sylvia Browne.
This is a temporary place. Your real home on the other side. So live life to the fullest. - Sylvia Browne.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

The more you try to be special, the more you get hurt. Just be, melt and become part of the wind and the earth; become part of everything, as creation intends. - Sadhguru.

Everything will come in its time; keep confident patience and all will be all right. - The Mother.

Friday, July 10, 2020

My whole life people have tried to make me into something I am not. To make me "normal" or at least "acceptable". I became skilled at so many things just so I would still have value, despite my flaws, or what I have been taught was a flaw. Of course, I tried to fit in. But when you are punished just for being different, you begin to hate what you are and what you love. What should make you happy only brings you pain! Pain is what made me a Sister Warrior. - Warrior Nun, Netflix TV Show.

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. - Jiddu Krishnamurti.

None of us deserve His grace, it's not earned, it's given. - Anonymous.

Thursday, July 09, 2020

All directions are within the mind! I am not asking you to look into any particular direction. Just look away from all that happens in your mind and bring it to the feeling 'I am'. The 'I am' is not a direction. It is the negation of all directions. Ultimately even 'I am' will have to go, for you need not keep on asserting what is obvious. Bringing the mind to the feeling 'I am' merely helps in turning the mind away from everything else. - Nisargadatta Maharaj.

Nothing is difficult for those who call sincerely the Divine. - The Mother.

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Be honest towards yourself, no self-deception. Be sincere towards the Divine, no bargaining in the surrender. Be straightforward with humanity, no pretence and show. - The Mother.

Only the unborn Spirit's timeless power can lift the yoke imposed by birth in time. - Sri Aurobindo.
The only journey is the one within. - Rainer M. R.

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Do not worry my dear, you are not a bad person. Your mistakes tend to come from honest stupidity, rather than evil intentions. - Anonymous.

One who sees all beings in oneself and oneself in all beings knows no hatred. - Isa Upanishad.

Monday, July 06, 2020

Attachment destroys courage. The giver is always ready to give. The taker is absent. Freedom means letting go. People just do not care to let go of everything. They do not know that the finite is the price of the infinite, as death is the price of immortality. Spiritual maturity lies in the readiness to let go of everything. - Nisargadatta Maharaj.

It is not necessary to attach any importance to the opinions of people because they are only the passing results of passing impressions; other circumstances and new impressions will easily change them. - The Mother.

Sunday, July 05, 2020

The more we talk, the less words mean. - Anonymous.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

You can go as far as you want to go, past all limitations, and live a supremely victorious existence. - Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.
The purpose of life is to be defeated by greater and greater things. - Rainer M. R.

Friday, July 03, 2020

All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time. - Mitch Albom.

Thursday, July 02, 2020

You are here to contact your soul, and that is why you live. Aspire persistently and try to silence your mind. The aspiration must come from the heart. - The Mother.
There is no greater fulfillment than to touch and transform lives. - Sadhguru.

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

A materialistic person is ruthless with others but kind to himself. A spiritual person is ruthless with himself but kind to everyone else. - Sadhguru.