Thursday, May 30, 2013

Some ways of purifying the various bodies:
  • Physical (Sthuldeha) – Performing Seva (selfless service to the Absolute Truth) with the physical body
  • Mental (Manodeha) – Praying and chanting
  • Intellectual (Karandeha) – Study of Holy texts and appropriate use of intellect in service to the absolute Truth unto the God Principle
  • Ego (Mahakarandeha) – Constantly having an awareness that “I am not doing anything, God is getting everything done through me” and expressing gratitude unto Him.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

You are not your body.
Your body is not you. 
You are not the doer. 
You are not the enjoy-er. 
You are pure awareness, 
The witness of all things. 
You are without expectation, 
Wherever you go, 
Be happy!

Desire and aversion are of the mind.

For see!
The mind is never yours. 
You are free of its turmoil. 
You are awareness itself, 
Never changing. 
Wherever you go, 
Be happy.

The Self is in all beings, 
And all beings are in the Self. 
Know you are free, 
Free of "I" 
Free of "mine." 
Be happy.

- Ashtavakra Gita (15.4-6).

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Essence of The Gita:

Why do you worry without any rhyme or reason? Who are you afraid of? Who can kill you? The soul neither takes birth nor dies.

Whatever happened happened for the best. Whatever is happening is also happening for the best. Whatever will happen, that too will be for the best. Don’t repent over the past. Don’t worry for the future. Present is going on.

What have you lost for which you cry? What did you bring with you which you have lost? What had you produced, which has perished? You didn't bring anything. Whatever you have, you had it from here. Whatever you have given, you have given it only here. Whatever you have taken, you have taken it from him the almighty. Whatever you have rendered, you have rendered to him. You came empty handed & will go the same way. Whatever is yours today was somebody else’s yesterday & will be somebody else’s the day after tomorrow. You are delighted in feeling it as your own. Alas; this happiness is the root cause of your agonies.

Change is the law of the universe. What you understand as death is in reality, the life. You become a millionaire in moments & the next moment you are a pauper. Let the thought about mine-yours, small-big, my own-someone else’s be wiped off your mind. Then everything is yours & you belong to everyone & vice-versa.

Neither the body is yours, nor do you belong to the body. The body is constituted of fire, water, air, earth & ether & it will disappear into these. However the soul is steady. That is what is real & that is what you really are.

You surrender yourself to god. That is the best anchor. One who knows about this anchor is liberated of fears, anxieties, pain, sorrow, etc. forever.

Whatever you are acted upon, continue to dedicate it to god. By doing so you will realize eternal happiness/love/truth of the liberated one.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

A wise zen frog was explaining to the younger frogs the balance of nature, "do you see how that fly eats a gnat? Now (with a bite) I eat the fly. It is all part of the great scheme of things." " Isn't it bad to kill in order to live?" asked the thoughtful frog. "It depends..." answered the wise frog just as a snake swallowed the zen frog in one chomp before the frog finished his sentence. "Depends on what?" shouted the students. "Depends on whether you're looking at things from the inside or outside." came the muffled response from inside the snake.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

People often ask: How can I make a difference in the world ? I am just one person among billions of others, what could I possibly do that would change anything?

Everyone else should have to change in order for me to make a difference.

Well, here is a story of a man who single-handed moved a mountain!

Please read and share. Inspiration is contagious!

About five decades ago, a landless farmer, Dashrath Manjhi from Gahlor Ghati of Gaya, Bihar decided to take into task the difficulties of his villagers who were almost cut off from the rest of the world by rocky hills, almost making the place impassable.

Around 1959, his wife passed away from illness and lack of immediate medical care when there was no way of taking her to the nearest medical center over the 300 feet high hills. Heartbroken after her death, Manji alone resolved to create a pass so that no one person would have to suffer the fate that his wife did. He sold his goats to purchase chisel, rope and a hammer. This sudden change in his demeanor made him a laughing stock with people who laughed at him, calling him eccentric and crazy.

Unfazed by their remarks, Manji hammered away with consistent determination for 22 years. At the end of his arduous labor, he finally came face to face with his dream: the other side of the hill! He shortened the distance from 70 kilometers to just one kilometer and 16 ft. wide!

Once this task was accomplished, Dashrath Manji became known as the Mountain Man. Sadly, this amazing man breathed his last on August 18, 2007 after fighting cancer at New Delhi’s All India Institute of Medical Sciences and received a proper state burial.

Dashrath Manji, a man who was mocked and ridiculed for his strong will and determination leaves behind a legacy of strong will and determination. We have to be the change we wish to see.