Sunday, March 26, 2023


Yes, it does take long, but eventually the dots always connect, and that makes the wait worthwhile.





















Sunday, February 05, 2023

Scientists experiment in their laboratories with patient perseverance to find the truth. They don’t assert their theories unless they have positive proof. Likewise, India’s masters concentrated for years and years to solve the problem of how to live life properly. I am bringing to you the knowledge of mind and matter from the spiritual laboratories of India, as well as from my own experience. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
What is most important is to have a way to prove truth by our own Self-realization. We should not believe a thing just because somebody has said it… All truth must be tested and experienced by the scientific application of material, mental, and spiritual laws. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Since ancient times, religious experiments have given India’s yogis knowledge of truths only now being “discovered” in the West by pragmatic scientific research. There is a definite need today for scientific religious experimentation applying the yogic methods of India. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Religion should be treated as a science; it is right that it be subjected to the test of experience. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
In ages past, the rishis and masters of India, secluded in their hermitages, unraveled the mysteries that hide the Omnipresent Spirit. Their research has given us the valuable techniques and methods that tune the body and mind to the Illimitable Source of life and intelligence residing in every human being. By concentrating within on the Infinite, you can receive this boundless power. - Paramahansa Yogananda.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Sunday, December 18, 2022





Let go of the helm of life, and let the current pull you in your chart's direction. - Sylvia Browne.
The other side is your real home, and it's possible that you will feel a form of homesickness while in this life - Sylvia Browne.

Sunday, November 27, 2022



Sometimes, carrying on, just carrying on, is a superhuman achievement. - Albert Camus.
Learn to be happy in your own company. - Anonymous.













Don’t keep your mind engaged in too many activities. Analyze what you get from them, and see if they are really important. Don’t waste your time...I often say, “If you read for one hour, write in your spiritual diary for two hours; and if you write for two hours, think for three hours; and if you think for three hours, meditate all the time.” No matter where I go, I keep my mind continuously on my soul peace. You too should always point the needle of your attention toward the North Pole of spiritual joy. Then no one can ever disturb your equilibrium. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Meditation is the effort to realize and express that pure consciousness which is the reflection, or image, of God within you. Do away with the delusion of body consciousness, and the concomitant demands of body and mind for “unnecessary necessities.” Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become. - Paramahansa Yogananda.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Disillusionment is not a bad thing as, if your illusions are shattered, it means you are getting closer to reality. - Sadhguru.



If you keep your pride, your ego, and your self-significance down, you will become available to grace. - Sadhguru.


Monday, October 17, 2022

There can be no lotus flower without mud. - Anonymous.

Sunday, October 09, 2022

With the power of faith, march on, march on! By daily meditation, never forget Him. Every day new vistas and new revelations of His presence will come to you. Strength will come; for His power is there. Acknowledge it firmly; let it sink calmly into the depths of your being. When by the science of controlling the life energy [Kriya Yoga] you master the subtle forces through which He creates and sustains all things, you will share in His dominion over all creation. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Faith means total trust — intuitive conviction, a knowing from the soul, that God is real, and that His help is ever ready to flow into man’s life. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
One kind word can warm three winter months. - Japenese Proverb.
Yoga is for everyone. No one is too old, too stiff, too fat or thin, or tired. - B. K. S. Iyengar.
Anybody can workout. It takes a Yogi to work in. - Anonymous.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

An ordinary man seeks freedom through enlightenment. An enlightened man expresses freedom through being ordinary. - Adyashanti.
Whoever brought me here will have to take me home. - Rumi.
If you feel like you do not fit in this world, it is because you are here to help create a new one. - Anonymous.
Mistakes are the growing pains of wisdom. - William Jordan.
Indispensable Man
By Saxon White Kessinger

Sometimes when you’re feeling important;
Sometimes when your ego’s in bloom
Sometimes when you take it for granted
You’re the best qualified in the room,

Sometimes when you feel that you're going
Would leave an unfillable hole,
Just follow these simple instructions
And see how they humble your soul;

Take a bucket and fill it with water,
Put your hand in it up to the wrist,
Pull it out and the hole that’s remaining
Is a measure of how you’ll be missed.

You can splash all you wish when you enter,
You may stir up the water galore,
But stop and you’ll find that in no time
It looks quite the same as before.

The moral of this quaint example
Is do just the best that you can,
Be proud of yourself but remember,
There’s no indispensable man.
We call them leaders because they go first because they take the risk before anybody else does because they will choose to sacrifice so their people will be safe and protected. - Simon Sinek.
Sometimes you find your path, sometimes it finds you. - Max Brooks.
Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning. - Anonymous.
The wonder of teaching is watching caterpillars become butterflies. - Anonymous.

Sunday, September 04, 2022

The deeper you go within yourself, the more you begin to realize that you are far more powerful than you have been permitted to believe. - Anonymous.
Storms make trees take deeper roots. - Anonymous.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Humanity is our uniting religion, breath our uniting prayer, and consciousness our uniting God. - Yogiraj Satgurunath Siddhanath.
In spite of all drawbacks and in spite of the downfall the spirit of Indian culture, its central ideas, and its best ideals have still their message for humanity and not for India alone. - Sri Aurobindo.
There is nothing too small for gratitude. - Mary Davis.
It might take a year, it might take a day, but what's meant to be will always find its way. - Anonymous.
As soon as we take one thing by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe. - John Muir.
Understand that everyone here on earth is learning just as you are and not everyone learns at the same pace or even the same lessons as you. - Anonymous.

Sunday, August 07, 2022


The superior man thinks only of virtue; the common man thinks only of comfort. - Confucius.
A man who has reformed himself will reform thousands. - Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda.
This path may not have been where you wanted to go or made you who you wanted to be. But, as painful and challenging as this transition can be, it can also be beautiful and rewarding in many ways. These changes, these challenges are not meant to break you, but to encourage you and help you grow. Amidst all the changes and this growth, you will find it was worth it all along. One day you will look back and remember this moment, the moment you decided to take the risk and change your life forever. - Anonymous.
What is yours will find you. - Anonymous.
When you sit in the silence of deep meditation, joy bubbles up from within, roused by no outer stimulus. The joy of meditation is overwhelming. Those who have not gone into the silence of true meditation do not know what real joy is. - Paramahansa Yogananda.

Friday, July 29, 2022

There is no separation between that what you call God and that what you call creation. - The Mother.
These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb. - Najwa Zebian.
"I cannot explain how I feel," said the Tiny Dragon.

Big Panda smiled. "That's Ok. Words are not adequate for all things."
"We are lost again." said the Big Panda.

"When I'm lost," said the Tiny Dragon, "I find it helps to go back to the beginning and try to remember why I started."

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Yoga has a sly, clever way of short-circuiting the mental patterns that cause anxiety. - Anonymous.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Saint and the Scorpion
By Nayaswami Devi

There is a story about a saint who was peacefully meditating under a tree along the banks of the Ganges. At a certain point, he heard a rustling overhead and opened his eyes to see a large scorpion moving along a branch overhanging the river.

When the creature reached the end of the branch, it fell into the water below. Filled with compassion, the saint waded into the river to rescue it. Cupping his hands together, he lifted the drowning scorpion and placed him gently on the river’s bank. In return for his kindness, the scorpion stung him.

Unperturbed, the saint then returned to the peace of his meditation. Again he heard a rustling overhead, again the scorpion plunged into the water, and again the saint rescued him, only to be stung.

When this happened a third time, a passerby who had been observing the drama could no longer contain himself. Approaching the saint, he asked, “Sir, why do you continue to rescue the scorpion, when each time he stings you?”

“Well,” the saint replied, his eyes luminous with divine love, “you see, it is the nature of the scorpion to sting. He cannot help himself.”

“That may be so, reverend sir, but knowing this, why do you continue to rescue him?” the passerby asked.

“You see, my child, I too cannot help myself. It is my nature to help him.”

This story provides us with a valuable lesson on how to live. Each of us encounters “human scorpions” filled with venom and spite whose sting can cause us suffering. But whether insects or human beings, such creatures are driven by instinct or the compulsions of past karma, and have no choice but to sting whenever they feel threatened.

The saint, by choosing to attune his consciousness to God’s love, had the freedom to express that love under all circumstances. Like the saint, we, too, can choose to align our actions with divine love and peace, no matter what is happening around us.

At first, this choice requires an act of will, as the ego tries to protect itself. With repeated effort and determination, however, the choice becomes “second nature.” Unlike the scorpion driven by instinct, we find that the higher path, illumined by a constant flow of divine grace, opens clearly before us.

In a sense, all decisions in life then become very simple. As a great saint once said, “We have but one decision to make in life: whether to think of God or not.” All the rest are details.
The big lesson in life is never to be scared of anyone or anything. - Frank Sinatra.

Monday, July 04, 2022

My will is a part of the eternal will. My fate is what my spirit's strength can make. My fate is what my spirit's strength can bear. My strength is not the Titans; it is God's. - Sri Aurobindo.
Life is going to give you a lot of reasons to be angry, you only need one to be grateful. - Anonymous.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

God is not partial. His spirit is as fully within you as it was in Jesus and the great Masters. Find it by making your mind more transparent, and more receptive. The more you meditate and remember that image of God, the more you will feel God’s harmony uniting all things. Meditation and holding on to God’s presence in that inner calmness all day long is what is necessary. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Through meditation, and acting in harmony with divine law, you link your individuality to Cosmic Intelligence, and become one with that Intelligence in the tiniest atom and the farthest star — and in Infinitude, whence universes come and whither they return. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Meditation opens wide all the closed inner doors of your body, mind, and soul to admit the surge of God’s power. Your whole body and entire being changes when you practice meditation regularly. When you really contact God, all things become harmonious; all things melt into an ocean of peace. But you have to practice meditation earnestly, consistently, and continually, in order to have the full consciousness of that supreme force. - Paramahansa Yogananda.

Monday, June 13, 2022

The best things in life are not things. - Anonymous.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Indian way of life provides the vision of the natural and real way of life. We veil ourselves with unnatural masks. On the face of India are the tender expressions that carry the mark of the Creator's hand. - George Bernard Shaw.
There are some parts of the world that once visited get into your heart and won't go. For me, India is such a place. - Keith Bellows.
Perhaps in return for arrogance and spoliation, India will teach us the gentleness of a mind, the quiet content of the uninquisitive soul, and a pacifying love for all living things. - Will Durant.
India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most constructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only. - Mark Twain.
India was the motherland of our race and Sanskrit was the mother of Europe's languages. India was the mother of our philosophy, much of our mathematics, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; of self-government and democracy. In many ways, Mother India is the mother of us all. - Will Durant.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Change yourself and you have done your part in changing the world. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
The greater the will, the greater the flow of energy. The greater the flow of energy, the greater the magnetism. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Your trails did not come to punish you, but to awaken you. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars. - Khalil Gibran.
Doesn't matter how far you travel, you can never escape your "self". - Anonymous.

Tuesday, May 03, 2022

To strive. to seek, to find, and not to yield. - Ulysses.

Sunday, May 01, 2022

The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. - Anonymous.
Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening. - Anonymous.
Even by the mind, this truth is to be learned: there are not many but only one. - Katha Upanishad.
Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous.
Greatness comes from small beginnings. - Anonymous.
When I read the Bhagavad Gita and reflect about how God created this universe, everything else seems so superfluous. I have made the Bhagavad Gita as the source of my inspiration and guide for the purpose of scientific investigation and formation of my theories. - Albert Einstien.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

An affirmation to practice: “All spiritually successful persons, such as Jesus, Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar, Swami Shankara, and other masters are manifestations of our one Father, God. I am happy in the thought that my spiritual ambition to realize unity with God is one that has already been attained by all great masters.” - Paramahansa Yogananda.
Every day, in the beginning, my mind used to say, “You can’t know God. Only great ones like Krishna, Jesus, and Buddha could.” Then I would reason, “If God favored them, He is partial; but I know He is not — He does not favor anyone. Even they had to go through great trials. But they were divinely successful, so I too can realize God.” - Paramahansa Yogananda.
This offers hope to every seeking heart, for there would be no incentive in following the example of Jesus if we could not be like him. Jesus was not sent to us to symbolize an unattainable goal. He came as a living inspiration, demonstrating what we all may successfully seek and achieve. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
When St. John said that “as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God,” he meant that anyone who could receive that Christ Consciousness…would become, as did Jesus, a son of God — one with the Father. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
There is a difference in meaning between Jesus and Christ. Jesus is the name of a little human body in which the vast Christ Consciousness was born. Although the Christ Consciousness manifested in the body of Jesus, it cannot be limited to one human form. It would be a metaphysical error to say that the omnipresent Christ Consciousness is circumscribed by the body of anyone human being. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
When we open our inner eyes of soul wisdom, we behold the omnipresent Light of God. Within this Light is the consciousness of Christ, the “Son” or pure reflection of God present everywhere in the universe. This Christ Consciousness, the Infinite Christ, is God's intelligence and love knocking on the closed eyelids of our souls, urging us that all we have to do is look to this Light within and we shall see all ignorance and diversities vanish. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are. - Anais Nin.
You will never be able to escape from your heart. So, it is better to listen to what it has to say. - Paulo Coelho.
The space between bondage and liberation measures two feet only. Bondage says "this is mine", and liberation says "nothing is mine". - Hinduism.
Roads were made for journeys, not for destinations. - Confucius.
Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary. - Anonymous.

Monday, March 28, 2022

Any person capable of angering you becomes your master. - Anonymous.
Grow through what you go through. - Anonymous.
Intelligence is the capacity to perceive the essential, the what is; and to awaken this capacity in oneself and others, is education. - J. Krishnamurti.
If your desire is intense, it is quite impossible that the light should not come to you. The question of whether the path is long or short must not be allowed any room in your mind. "Realization will have to be granted to me", this should be your determination. - Anandamayi Ma.
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new. - Socrates.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

What you refer to as Yoga is a technology to make your energies function by choice, not by compulsion or fixed patterns. - Sadhguru.
Do not try to please anyone. If you are truly joyful and an overflow of humanity, everyone will be pleased with you. - Sadhguru.
When you really understand you are just a speck of life in a limitless cosmos, you will naturally bow down to everything. - Sadhguru.

Monday, March 07, 2022

Yoga is a light, once lit, will never dim. The better you practice, the brighter the flame. - B. K. S. Iyengar.
What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is your candle. - Rumi.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Every person carries the seed of enlightenment within. - Eckhart Tolle.
Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions. - Hafiz.
I felt in need of a great pilgrimage so I sat still for three days. - Hafiz.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Let us discover those truths that unite all religions, rather than compare the differences in faiths that men live by. - Ramana Maharishi.
I can do nothing for you but work on myself. You can do nothing for me but work on yourself. - Anonymous.
The most healing location on this earth is inside you. - Billie Jean.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; it is to be lived. Yoga doesn't care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person you are becoming. Yoga is designed for a vast and profound purpose, and for it to be truly called yoga, its essence must be embodied. - Aadil Palkhivala.
My yoga mat is a magic carpet when I am on it, I discover places within me I never knew existed. - Anonymous.

Sunday, February 06, 2022

The choice is an illusion. You already know what you have to do. - Anonymous.
Love can melt stones. - Sri Swami Satchidananda.
When we are caught in a storm of emotions, we can practice being like the trunk of the tree. We don't stay up in the high branches. We go down to the trunk and become still, not carried away by our thinking and emotions. - Thich Nhat Hanh.
Yoga is a martial art of the soul, and the opponent is the strongest you have ever faced: your ego. - Anonymous.
Yoga essentially means to obliterate the boundaries of your individual nature and become universal. - Sadhguru.
Look at every exit as being an entrance somewhere else. - Anonymous.
Anything that makes you weak physically, intellectually, and spiritually, reject it as poison. - Swami Vivekananda.
No love is real love until it is one with God’s love; for all true love comes from God alone. Human love, to be divine, must be deep and selfless. Purify the heart’s love until it becomes divine. - Paramahansa Yogananda.
God is playing hide-and-seek through human hearts so that ultimately you will understand that it is His love you are seeking in your human loves. If you omit God from your human loves, love fades away. But by bringing God into your daily life, ordinary human love changes into divine love, manifested from the image of God within you. - Paramahansa Yogananda.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Only when you are ignorant of your original nature, do other people's opinions become important. - Sadhguru.
Perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness yet still become something beautiful. - Beau Taplin.
Hard times do not create heroes. It is during hard times that the hero within us is revealed. - Bob Riley.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

You can enjoy freedom if you can exercise restraint. - Anonymous.
Solitude is in the mind of man. One might be in the thick of the world and maintain the serenity of mind; such a one is in solitude. Another may stay in a forest, but still, be unable to control his mind. He cannot be said to be in solitude. Solitude is a function of the mind. A man attached to desire cannot get solitude wherever he may be; a detached man is always in solitude. - Ramana Maharishi.
Let us together join our mental forces in strength for the benefit of humanity. - Taittariya Upanishad.
If you want to become fearless, choose love. - Rune Lazuli.
When love is deep, much can be accomplished. - Shinichi Suzuki.
A woman is like a tea bag; you never know how strong it is until it is in hot water. - Eleanor Roosevelt.
Reshape yourself through the power of your will; never let yourself be degraded by self-will. - Bhagavad Gita.
People say walking on water is a miracle, but to me walking peacefully on earth is the real miracle. - Thich Nhat Hanh.
A smile is the most beautiful curve on a woman's body. - Anonymous.
Being a leader does not require a title. Having a title does not make you one. - Anonymous.
Your hand is useful because it goes where you want it to go. Similarly, your mind is only useful if it goes where you want it to go. - Sadhguru.
As long as you are locked up in your own logic, the magic of life will not reveal itself to you. - Sadhguru.
No one has a perfect body or a perfect mind. In that sense, all of us are disabled in some way. But beyond the physiological and psychological dimensions, all life is just the same. - Sadhguru.

Sunday, January 09, 2022

The land from where books were first written and from where wisdom and knowledge sprang is India. - The Fourth Caliph, Ali Bin Abi Talib.
A certain darkness is needed to see the stars. - Osho.
There is nothing noble about being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self. - Hindu Proverb.
Look fear in the face and it will cease to trouble you. - Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri.
Anyone can keep calm in a cave or when asleep. Stand in the whirl and madness of action and reach the center. Live in the midst of the battle of life. - Swami Vivekananda.
Sitting silently, just start watching your breath. Inhalation, gap, exhalation, gap, inhalation, gap. That gap is the most mysterious phenomenon inside you. When the breath comes in and stops and there is no movement that is the point where one can meet God. - Buddha.
In India, I found a race of mortals living upon the earth, but not adhering to it. Inhabiting cities, but not being fixed on them, possessing everything but possessed by nothing. - Apollonius of Tyana.
True friendship can exist only between equals. - Plato.
Every time you meditate deeply on God, beneficial changes take place in the patterns of your brain. - Paramahansa Yogananda.

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are. - Jason Crandell.
The universe has shaken you to awaken you. - Anonymous.
The whole world can easily be won by forgiveness, mercy, love, good words, honesty, modesty, and service. - Sanskrit Saying.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

"Tell us what have you got from enlightenment. Did you become divine?"
"Did you become a saint?"
"Then what did you become?"
- Anthony De Mello.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

There is no knowledge for the seekers of comfort, and no comfort for the seekers of knowledge. - Mahabharata.
We do not use the body to get into a pose. We use the pose to get into the body. - Bernie Clark.
Let no man think lightly of good, saying in his heart, 'It will not come to nigh me.' By the falling of water drops a pot is filled; the wise man becomes full of good, even if he gather it little by little. - Lord Buddha.
We sweep up the fallen leaves in the garden. But we do not hate the trees for dropping them. - Zen Master Mamiya.
The mastery over the mind results in control of the relationship with everything from atom to cosmos. - Sanskrit Saying.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Remember, this December that love weighs more than gold. - Anonymous.
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. - Meister Eckhart.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

It is not that I am so smart. But I stay with the questions much longer. - Albert Einstein.
Genius is 1 percent talent and 99 percent hard work. - Albert Einstein.
What matters is how quickly you do what your soul directs. - Rumi.
A great man doesn't seek to lead. He is called to it and he answers. - Anonymous.
Mountains have always been an inspiration for seekers of all sorts. The peak signifies fulfillment. May you know the peak of your being. - Sadhguru.